Grace Changes Everything

We believe that grace changes everything. God's grace in the person of Jesus Christ is made known to us through the Word of God and we expect to see God transform us into a community of grace, of love and on mission. We seek to be historically rooted, presently relevant, and future oriented.


With those things driving and motivating us, an observer who spends a few weeks or months among us will notice some things that are different about this church and the people who are members.


Grace is changing the way we gather for worship.


Sunday morning worship is much the same as many other churches, yet there is a joy.  Our church is a mix of many different ethnic groups, wearing clothing that runs from casual to "Sunday best". We wholeheartedly singing ancient and modern songs of the faith played in various musical styles. Sermons are short on "what you must do," and long on "what Christ has done" as the pastor's driving conviction is that the Christian message is not a message of what you must do for God it is a message of what God has done for you in Jesus Christ. Our pastor is an expository preaches, so he preaches through the Word chapter by chapter.  He is currently preaching through the Gospel of Luke.  


The hallway activity before and after church seems different. In the hallway there is a good deal of hugging, handshaking and laughter, but it is not uncommon to see someone struggling to fight back tears because of a difficult situation they are going through and to see them surrounded by people with arms around them encouraging and praying for them.  


After service, we eat together and visit in the fellowship hall.  If you visit, please stay and enjoy some food with us!


What We Believe

We have two constitutional documents that describe our beliefs and practices as a church.


The first is the Westminster Confession of Faith which is a detailed confession written by our forefathers of the faith. We do not believe that it is inspired but we believe that it is an accurate summary of what the inspired Scriptures teach. 


The second constitutional document is the Book of Church Order which details our church polity.